
From February 2019 until Februari 2021, Methologic has helped Movares improve in project management.

Methologic (in cooperation with Mikrocentrum) has helped Movares as a trainer by:

  • implementing a company-wide training program part of their internal improvement program ‘Excellent Project Management’.
  • covering multiple stakeholder groups, such as Project Engineers, Project Coordinators, Project Leaders and Project Managers.
  • apply state-of-the-art blended learning methods.

Movares is an interesting organization to interact with due to its:

  • variety of consultancy and engineering services to authorities and other clients in the public domain.
  • involvement in mobility, infrastructure, energy, safety, supply chain and asset management.
  • more than 1000 highly-qualified engineering professionals.

During the course, the Movares trainees actively applied the course material in their unique, value-adding projects in the public domain, for example:

Movares, Mikrocentrum and Methologic together wrote this testimonial about their cooperation (in Dutch).


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